Jesus Makes the Difference
was founded by Apostle Nathan Byrd in 1986. At the time, it was an evangelistic ministry focused primarily on facilitating soul winning crusades in the New York City metropolitan area. It was comprised of energetic and enthusiastic young people who were filled with the Holy Spirit and the desire to be involved in kingdom ministry. As of 2013, Apostle Byrd has re-established the ministry as an apostolic ministry providing leadership, oversight, prophetic insight and impartation to the body of Christ.
JMDM areas of focus are: Apostolic leadership• Corporate Worship• The Kingdom of God• The Hebraic Connection to our Faith• Biblical Economics• The Jeremiah Project• The Isaachar Gathering
What we Believe
YHWH is creator and sustainer of all that exist. He is the author of the Book of the Covenant. He is Love and desires intimate fellowship with His creation through worship and relationship.
Jesus, the eternal Son of God, is the physical manifestation of YHWH sent to the earth to redeem mankind from the fall of Adam. His life, death, burial and resurrection is the only propitiation for the sins of all mankind.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third representation of YHWH who was sent to be the internal witness in the believer of all that Jesus taught and did. He empowers the church to fulfill its kingdom mandate.

The Apostle`s Corner
A few weeks ago, during my morning walk the Lord spoke to me as I was admiring the trees. He said that if you want to comprehend abundance from my perspective don't count the trees, count the leaves on the trees! Whoa, that statement got my attention.
More recently, as I was taking a drive and meditating on those same trees, I heard the Lord expand on that revelation of abundance again. Go to the blog to read more...
As for every man to whom G-d has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor – this is the gift of YHWH.
John 3:8 (NKJV)